Education Professions
Instructor: Mrs. Holly Gingrich ([email protected])

Course Description:
Education Professions I (3 credits per semester, 2 semester course)
- Principles of Teaching- This course provides a general introduction to the field of teaching. Students will explore educational careers, teaching preparation, and professional expectations as well as requirements for teacher certification. Current trends and issues in education will be examined. A minimum 20 hour classroom observation experience is required for successful completion of this course.
- Child & Adolescent Development- Child and Adolescent Development examines the physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and moral development of the child frm birth through adolescence with a focus on the middle years through adolescence. Basic theories of child development, biological and environmental foundations of development, and the study of children through observation and interviewing techniques are explored. The influence of parents, peers, the school environment, culture and the media are discussed. An observation experience up to 20 hours may be required for completion of this course. This course has been approved to be offered for dual credit. Students pursuing this course for dual credit are still required to meet the minimum prerequisites for the course and pass the course with a C or better in order for dual credit to be awarded.
- Teaching & Learning- Teaching and Learning provides students the opportunity to apply many of the concepts that they have learned throughout the Education Professions pathway. In addition to a focus on best practices, this course will provide an introduction to the role that technology plays in the modern classroom. Through hands-on experience with educational software, utility packages, and commonly used microcomputer hardware, students will analyze ways to integrate technology as a tool for instruction, evaluation, and management.
Ivy Tech Dual Credit:
EDUC 101: Introduction to Teaching; EDUC 121: Child and Adolescent Development; EDUC 201: Technology in Education
Education Professions II (3 credits per semester, 2 semester course)
- Education Professions Capstone- The Education Professions Capstone provides an extended opportunity for field experience to further apply concepts that have been presented throughout the pathway. Students will also have the opportunity to explore the topics of the exceptional child and literacy development through children’s literature. Students will gain a deeper understanding of inclusive teaching techniques along with policies, theories, and laws related to special education. Students interested in pursuing a career in Elementary Education are encouraged to also study the benefits of using children’s literature in the classroom. This course may be further developed to include specific content for students interested in pursuing a career in secondary education. The course should include a significant classroom observation and assisting experience.
Ivy Tech Dual Credit:
EDUC 230: The Exceptional Child; EDUC 233: Literacy Development through Children’s
Job Opportunities:
- Elementary Teacher
- Secondary Teacher
- Special Education Teacher
- School Administrator
Click below for an interactive Education Professions/Early Childhood Education experience: